Tee Times & Comp Info

Below are details of Fees and Starting times for General club events.


Non Championship Events

Saturday18 Hole Entry Fee $  10.00
Week days18 Hole Entry Fee $  10.00
SaturdayMembers’ Guests$20 Plus Competition Fee:$30.00
Week DaysMembers’ Guests$20 Plus Competition Fee$28.00

Competition Times

All competitors must register their names on the official starting sheet. Players must report to Starter at least ten minutes prior to the hit-off time, if players not available please ring the Clubhouse on 8642 2930.

Starting Times

(Unless otherwise stated in Handbook)

Saturday Competition:Ensure put name on start sheet
Tuesday & Thursday Competition11:30 am

18 Hole Sponsored Events on Saturdays

Trophy for overall winner or depending on the sponsor a trophy for each grade.

Competition Vouchers

Distributed in the ratio of one $6 voucher for every four (4) players.

Vouchers to be spent at the Bar for drinks or golf balls, tees etc

18 Hole Tuesday and Thursday Competitions:

1 prize per 4 players.

Vouchers as for Saturday competition

Club Handicaps

Div 10–17
Div 218+


Members Competition Information

All competitions are conducted in accordance with the Rules of Golf and current Port Augusta Golf Club Local Rules.

Watch your notice board for alterations and additions to Local Rules. It is the player’s responsibility to acquaint themselves with these rules. Any dispute claiming ignorance of these rules will not be considered. All Members should at all times familiarize themselves with all Notice Boards within the Club.

Competitions are as set out in the Programme. The Match Committee reserves the right to vary the Programme as necessary.

Players must have paid the competition fee to the Starter prior to tee off. Early starters to complete Starters Sheet prior to tee off.

Organized competitions are played in groups of four unless otherwise stated in the Programme. The Starter has the right to permit groups of two or three at the rear of the field. The Starter may at their discretion alter the composition of any playing groups or start groups from different tees to maximize the players in the particular competition or on the course.

Juniors with senior handicaps may play in Club competitions providing no more than two (2) play in each group and their cards are marked by a full member.

All complaints and suggestions should be placed before the Match Committee in writing.

Twilight Golf

Held during Daylight Saving – 20 weeks (weather permitting)
Wednesday evenings – hit off 4.30 to 5.30 pm
9 hole – Stableford competition


The Port Augusta Golf Club is currently building a junior golf coaching program to foster junior golf and new membership. Andrew Grindell is the coordinator. Anyone interested in this program or in assisting contact Andrew on 0417844933
Junior coaching sessions are held on Sunday mornings starting from 8.00 am.


Men should check handicap board before commencing play. It is the Member’s responsibility to return their own score cards for both at home and away competitions. ALL score cards are to be handed in at the completion of each competition round.

Men’s Handicap Match Play: If any event where the winner is decided by Match Play, players will play off handicaps current on the day of play in each particular round.

Handicap Match Play

The number of strokes awarded in this competition is the difference between the players’ stroke handicaps. Where there is more than 18 strokes difference between players’ handicaps, players shall receive 2 strokes per hole where applicable. When additional holes are required to determine the winner, strokes are awarded as in the original round. Match play scores are not used for handicapping.

Course Record

Scores recorded for course records will only be recognized during stroke rounds when markers and pins are set not less than the official distance of each hole.


Members are required to legibly record their name, date, handicap and if a non-PAGC member a GolfLink number in the spaces provided on the card. Members are responsible for checking their own score on each hole. Members are to ensure that the Marker has signed the card and that he has countersigned the card himself.

The Match Committee will only accept cards which have been returned in a reasonable time. All cards should be returned for handicap purposes.

Care of the Course

Members are reminded that someone is playing behind you THEREFORE please leave the greens upon holing the putt and replace flags such that their supporting fixtures are well below the level of the putting surface.

Do not remove or alter the position of any fairway or tee markers. Replace divots on fairways or fill from sand buckets (which all responsible golfers carry at all times). A bucket applied on each hole by ALL players will soon improve the fairways.

In taking practice swings, players should avoid causing damage to the course, particularly the tees by removing unnecessary divots. Repair ALL pitch marks on the greens.

Practice Area

Members may practice from defined areas only or such areas allocated by the Match Committee. The lawns surrounding the Clubhouse are not a practice area.

Putting only is permitted on the practice putting green in front of the Clubhouse.

Competition formats

Four Ball Best Ball (4BBB) v Par

Two players play as partners, each taking strokes at holes according to their individual handicaps as in an ordinary Par competition. If one partner wins a hole and the other halves it, only the win is counted. Plus, half and minus scores added at the end of round and recorded as in ordinary Par competition.

Cards must be marked with the scores of each player in separate columns headed by the initials of the player. (If the scores are mixed, it is almost impossible to check the card and the players will be disqualified).

Mixed Medley

Men and Women members play on the course at the same time but compete in separate competitions. Playing groups may consist solely of Men or Women, or be a mixed group.

Four Ball Best Ball v Stableford

Played in exactly the same manner as for 4BBB v Par above, except that the better ball of the partnership will be credited with points instead of plus, half or minus.

Stroke Ambrose

Played in teams usually consisting of four players. All players drive, select the best ball and all players play from that position (placed within one club length not nearer the hole if on the fairway of the hole in play}. If the selected ball is not on the fairway in play, that ball must be played from where it lies. Other balls to be played must be dropped within one club length of the selected ball not nearer the hole in play. The above procedure repeated on all shots throughout the round – putting green excepted, where the ball shall be placed as near as possible to exact spot. Caution should be exercised whilst putting not to “tap in” a putt that has narrowly missed the hole, as once the ball is holed, that score should be recorded on the score card. (Highest handicap player is to play first at all times unless otherwise instructed. The selection of a minimum numbers of drives from each player may be required for some Ambrose events).

Pinehurst Foursomes

Play each other’s drive, then select one ball to complete the hole.

Bisque – Par

Play as a normal Par competition. At the conclusion of each hole, players can elect to apply any number of their normal handicap strokes to the hole just played.

Teams – Combined Net

Play as for a normal individual round. The Match Committee will conduct a draw after all players are on the course to determine partners.